Thomas Derby & William Reynolds noticed after years of marketing and advertising experience that companies were tired of paying fair to medium to top dollar costs for high quality marketing solutions related to a company’s product or service needs.
They also noticed that many companies were executing positions and departments that for decades provided the backbones to a company’s marketing needs. Gone were the production coordinators, copywriters, photographers, accountants, designers, and programmers. Secretaries became designers and the weekend janitors became programmers. Sales reps kept their jobs but the cost of work didn’t drop. Businesses changed as the American economy changed and along with the professionals cut, so was quality.
Bill and Thom decided in 2007 over beers and burgers that everyone deserves a BMW for the cost of a KIA. A simple motto/business rule metaphor to work by; and so it began. They risked it all in hopes of becoming the Wal-Mart of advertising & marketing services with one fail-safe marketing strategy: YOU CAN OWN BMW MARKETING SOLUTIONS FOR THE COST OF A KIA. CONTACT DERBY | REYNOLDS- with no catch!
This is fail-safe equation/marketing experiment requires a little effort on the client’s end:
1) Contact any ad firm, be it the ones advertised on the site here, or an ad firm of your choice, present your project needs (web site, logo, business cards, etc.) and request a formal estimated cost.
2) Provide us their estimate
3) We will cut their estimate cost to you in half, to do the same project for 50% OFF!
You can’t go wrong with Derby | Reynolds {Marketing Solutions}– but you will go broke with every advertising firm but us.
Jeff Tethernick
Accounting & Payroll Director
E: [email protected]