While your country is celebrating freedom, fast food, real estate, banking, porn, greed, religion, or hell, even while your marketing dollars are being misspent by ad firm owners on 4 day benders, DERBY | REYNOLDS is putting the $ back in the YOU$A™!
That’s right! We are teaming up with our sales raid teams on the east coast and the west coast as they win new clients each day with our “PICK A POOR PLACE!” campaign. Pick a poor place like Rockford, IL, and receive a list of all the ad firms in that area, contact them, ask for an estimate on a job you need done- THEN COME BACK TO US AND WE’LL DISCOUNT IT 50%, FOREVER! READ MORE!
We are bringing THE WAL-MART OF ADVERTISING to every poor town in the U$A! So why not spend some of your American marketing dollars with us too? REad more how you and your business can save money now by following 3 easy, free, capitalist driven rules to help your business $ave 50% OFF FOREVER, on other ad firms contracts!
Like we mentioned to begin with;
While your country is celebrating freedom ,fast food, real estate, banking, porn, greed, religion, or hell, even while your marketing dollars are being misspent by ad firm owners on 4 day benders –DERBY | REYNOLDS is putting the $ back in the YOU$A™
Contact us today for more info!
Jennifer Kowalksi
Marketing Research Director
E: [email protected]
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