Meet Thom & Bill.
BMW Marketing Solutions for the cost of a KIA is not something any ad firm would throw around lightly these days. What with the American recession, unemployment and many other economic factors, you’d think founders, Thomas Derby and William Reynolds were in the business of giving away charity labor. Not so. Derby & Reynolds combined own 48 years of advertising and marketing experience. That does not include the experienced, educated production team formed in the heart of a recession.
Thomas & William toiled in the pits of northern Illinois area advertising for close to 3 decades before crossing in-house paths at their previous jobs. They’d each heard of the other’s name, but never worked together before. In 2007, after surviving many position cuts over the years, Thom & Bill gathered for a lunch and made a plan. The writing was on the wall, their six figure salaries (after the bonuses and sales compensation) were the next to go. Together they spent each waking hour plotting their next venture together. They’d risk it all- together.
In 2008, the heart of a recession, Thom & Bill stepped out from their marketing experience’s ashes to start their own firm. Derby | Reynolds began as a 3 man team; two experienced sales reps being the owners, and one MVP staff member who for the first 4 months tackled all of the firm’s services: phone calls, emailing, researching, contracting, accounting, cleaning, recycling, and all marketing production tasks as needed per contracted accounts, including: photography, copy-writing, designing, programming, audio, video and more! Each man their own island, single, no families to weigh them down or lady friends who need attention and reaffirmation of their natural beauty- nope, together working for a common goal in the heart of a recession: TO SAVE YOUR BUSINESS MONEY!
Jennifer Kowalksi
Marketing Research Director
E: [email protected]